Who we are

Masonic Care WA is a not-for-profit charitable organisation that has been serving the needs of older Australians for over a century. 

The history of Masonic Care WA began with Freemasons providing support to orphans and widows in 1907. Then in 1963 as Cottage Homes for the Aged, our first aged accommodation opened in Mount Lawley.

Ever since we have continued to grow while providing a people-focused service, offering a broad range of Rental Accommodation, Retirement Living and Residential Aged Care services across metropolitan and regional locations in Western Australia. 

Our philosophy of care and service are based on the principles of Respect, Integrity and Compassion, and these principles are embedded into all aspects of our state-wide operations. 

who we are

Our history

The genesis of the operations of Grand Lodge Freemasons Homes for the Aged (MCWA) was seeded in the formation of the Widows’, Orphans’ and Aged Freemasons’ Benevolent Fund. The Fund targeted families of returned soldiers, the poor and homeless.
Freemasons established Cottage Homes for the Aged which was the first development of aged accommodation for disadvantaged older persons in Western Australia.
Howard Solomon Hostel and Nursing Home (now Howard Solomon Residential Estate) was established and officially opened by WA Premier, Sir Charles Court; another first for the Organisation to deliver residential care services.
Cottage Homes for the Aged registered itself as an Incorporated Association under the name Grand Lodge of Freemason Homes for the Aged Inc. The inaugural Constitution reflected the objects of the Widows’, Orphans’ and Aged Freemasons Fund from 1906.
Expanded operations to 12 retirement villages, 10 rental villages for older persons and Howard Solomon Residential Estate, servicing almost 2000 residents.
Middle Swan Residential Care, our beautiful new aged care facility officially opens, expanding the organisation to 24 service locations including two residential aged care facilities.

Our commitment

Our commitment is to you.

our commitment

We are with you every step of the way

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